Friday 26 November 2010

My target audience

The target audience for my music magazine would be mainly teens too early twentys and fans of indie music. However my magazine would also apeal to an older age range if they were to like the genre of music featured. My target audince would be one similar of NME's as NME and my magazine are of the same genre and will feature the same type of bands. The main age range would be roughly 16 - 25 as this age range tend to listen to a lot of indie music whereas the older generation dont listen to it as much. My magazine will apeal to all social classes as it will be afordable for them all. My magazine will also be mainly aimed at people who have an interset in new and upcoming indie music. By looking at the physcographics of my target audience I am able to know what style of magazine my target audience would like, ie teens/students would generaly want an indie music magazine as they have their own style and listen to indie music.

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