Friday 12 November 2010

LIIAR anlysis of NME front cover.

This NME magazine uses a mid wide shot so we are able to see the whole of the band. This particular cover isn't conventional as the NME logo is normally in red but on this cover it is in pink as it is a special edition cover. It is also unconventional as it doesn't stick the usual house style of the magazine.The masthead and the main headline are both big bold and bright, this makes them really stand out to the reader. The kicker of the magazine 'the biggest enemy in music right now? kesha' suggests that the the Foals who are on the front cover are one of the best bands around now and are an enemy to other artists. This also relates to the masthead as NME sounds like 'enemy. This sells the magazine because when people see this they will see that Kesha has said they are a good band people will want to buy the magazine, this is called synergy, when one aspect of the media helps another. The splash of this particular cover is quite simple but it is effective. The selling line 'the state of music today' also makes the reader want to buy it as it gives the reader examples of todays newest music.

The institution of the magazine is NME. The publisher or the publishing house of the NME magazine is IPC. The publishing house IPC will not only produce the magazine NME, it will make as many magazines in as many different genres as possible to make a profit. 

The ideology of the NME, new musical express, is that it wants to get the newest music to you as quickly as it can. NME also sounds like the word 'enemy', this suggest that this magazine is the enemy of mainstream music. The magazine wants to make people look up to the bands on the front cover and to aspire to be like them.

The target audience of NME is mainly teens and fans of indie music. It would appeal to any genre, age or lifestyle. As it only costs £2.20 any social class could afford to buy it as it isnt too expensive.

The image on the front cover represents their target audience, teens and indie fans. This is shown by the way the band on the front cover are dressed., they are dressed young and trendy. The magazine represents the newest music to us and makes it look aspiring.

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