Friday 19 November 2010

Analysis of Kerrang contents page

Kerrangs contents page is used as an easy and efficient way to find your way around the magazine. It tells the reader what will be featured in the magazine as it is the first thing you see when the magazine is opened and if there is only one article you wish to read you can easily find it.

 This contents page is nearly all taken up by images with little writing. The images are of band which are featured within the magazine. The majority of the images are mid shots or mid close ups, this allows us to see the band members expressions. All the images are of rock bands which shows the magazines genre is rock music, the images on the contents page are regulars but the bands in the images will change weekly. Another regular of kerrang magazines contents page is the contents list down the left hand side. The headings in the contents list are yellow writing on a black background, the same as all the other writing on the page. The contents list allows the reader to easily see what is in the magazine as it is split in to specific categories and have the page numbers next to each article. The page numbers are quite big so they are easy to see. The contents masthead isn't really big but because of the colouring it stands out, it is bright yellow writing on a black background and as it is all on a white page it makes it stand out even more. As it is in the top right corner it will be the first thing the reader sees when the magazine is opened. Underneath the contents masthead there is a quote from a Corey Taylor. The nature of the quote shows what the magazine may be like inside. In the bottom right corner there is advertisement for the subscription of Kerrang magazine, this is on a red background and is the only red on the page, the red could suggest love and the love of the magazine.

The institution of the magazine is Kerrang or Bauer media group, who are the publishing house of Kerrang and Q magazine.  The institution are offering a subscription to the magazine so they can make a profit.

The ideology of the contents page is to navigate people around the magazine and to give out a possitive message about the magazine so the reader will continue to read.

The audience of the contents page is mainly men or teens, fans of the magazine and its genre. This is shown from the colours and how bold and simple the layout is.

All of the images on the contents page repesent the magazines genre, rock. The images represent the bands themselves as they are shown performing or in photo shoots. The contents page also represent the magazine itself, it shows the genre and style of the magazine.

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