Thursday 25 November 2010

Kerrang double page spread analysis

This is a double page spread from the Kerrang magazine, however it is not the main double spread. It is a double spread reviewing the band 'Avenged sevenfold'. This is a regualar in every Kerrang magazine but they review a different band. The majority of this double page spread is pictures and there is only a little bit of writing. The pictures represent the magazines genre, rock. We know this from the main image of a man covered in tattoos and shouting aposed to singing. The other pictures placed bellow and to the side of the main image are from the same gig and also represent the rock genre. They show that the gig was a success as we can see the fans cheering, hence the article being write about it. The main image also looks as if it has been ripped off from somwhere and stuck in. A rating is given for the gig and instead of using gold stars like most reviews red 'K''s are used. Along with the rest of the fonts they are bold and blocky, this sticks to Kerrangs usual rocky feel.

The institution of the double page spread is Bauer, the same as the front cover and the whole of Kerrang magazine.

The ideology of this double page spread is to send out a message to the readers of the magazine about the gig featured. A possitive message is sent out as we can see the gig was a success from the pictures used.

The target audience of the double spread is the same as the front cover. Mainly teens and and fans of rock/metal music.

The double page spread represents the genre and target audience, metal/rock and fans of them genres. It also represents the main band featured and the genre of the band. This is shown though the nature of the images used.

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