Friday 19 November 2010

analysis of Q contents page.

A contents page is used in Q to tell the reader what will be featured in the magazine. It is the first thing seen when the front cover is opened and if there is only one article you wish to read you can just look for it then go to the page number. A contents page is also useful to be able to see what will be featured in the magazine.

Like any other contents page, regulars and features are used by Q on their contents page. Regulars are things which are used on every contents page they produce and features are things which are only used once when appropriate to that certain issue. Regulars of Q's contents page include the 'features' which are listed down the right hand side. Although the 'features' will change every week, the list is something that appears every week to allow the readers to see what will be in the magazine. This is contents page uses a long low angle shot of the band the courteeners, this image takes up roughly 3/4 of the contents page. The low angle of the image makes the band look tall and dominant, this could suggest they are doing well in the music world. This is reinforced by the caption on the picture which 'he's just showing off' referring to a band member. Another regular of  Q's contents page is the 'every month' feature in the bottom left corner, this is tells the reader what is featured in the magazine every month. Both of the 'features' and every month' are on a red strip, this stays to the conventional colours of Q magazine. The contents masthead is a reverse out, big bold white writing is used on a black banner, this makes it stand out to the reader. The Q logo is also used on the contents masthead. A feature of this contents page would be the 'oasis special'. 'oasis special' is written in gold, this suggests the band are legends are somewhat royal, it also represents Q magazine and its 'quality'. This is also grabbing the attention of Q readers, and as this is in gold and it is about a band everybody know people will want to read them articles. The 'Review' section in the bottom right of the contents page is another regular. Half of the section is taken up by an image. The image is a long shot of  Nick Cave supported by the caption 'Nick Cave' and the page number where you can find his article. The other half of the section tells the reader what else is featured in the magazine. All of the numbers on the page other then the ones in the 'oasis special', which are in gold, are in red, the same as the Q logo.

The institution of the contents page is the same as the whole of Q magazine, Q itself or Bauer media group.

Q magazine want to make the contents page look friendly and give out a positive message so readers will see it and want to continue reading.

The target audience for the contents page is the same as it is for the general magazine, mainly the older generation. However it appeals to all genders, lifestyle and social classes.

The contents page represents the quality and the genre of the magazine. This is shown by the colours such as gold and the red wich is the colour of the Q logo, the Q standing for quality. The two images on the contents page represent the genre of the magazine.

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