Friday 12 November 2010

LIIAR analysis of Q magazine

The image on the front of this Q magazine is a long shot of the lead member swinging a guitar and it looks like it has smashed the Q logo. This is reinforced by the kicker which says 'Matt Bellamy is out of control', this could suggest that the band Muse are making a come through in the music industry. It also relates to stories inside of the magazine, we know this because of the sell line 'Rocks greatest nutjobs'. The image shows that Matt Bellamy is also a 'Nutjob'. The splash represents the genre of the magazine as well by the way a guitar is being thrown about, this suggests it is rocky. Rock is also shown by the plug advertising the beatles which were also rocky in their day. The headline is big bold and white and stands out against the dark background. The house style of the magazine is always the same, it has the red Q logo in the top left corner and has black and white font.

The institution of the magazine is Q, and it is published by the company Bauer. It was first published in October 1986 by Mark Ellen and David Hepworth. They thought a generation of older music was being ignored therefor made Q magazine. Bauer don't only make music magazines, they publish other magazines such as 'take a break' and 'TV choice'.

Q magazine provides the reader with the best music monthly. As the magazine is published monthly instead of weekly it is of better quality, and this is what the Q stands for.

The target audience of Q magazine is generally the older generation but this particular copy has a young rock band on the front so it will appeal to the younger generation and fans of rock music. It also appeals to all lifestyles and both genders, however is more likely the older more higher working class people will buy this magazine as it is more highly priced then other music magazines.

This cover doesn't stereotypically represent Q magazine as it has a more rocky band on the front whereas it normally has older artists featuring on the cover. However it does represent the target audience of this copy.  

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