Friday 26 November 2010

price and how often published

Similar to NME magazine, my own magazine will be published once a week to allow the readers to eaily be updated on the latest and best music. It will be priced around £2.50, this isnt too expensive and will allow the main target audience of teenagers to buy it as they will be able to afford it. It will also be affordable to people in their early twentys who may be classed as middle class citizens and may not have a well payed job or any job for that matter, but as long as they have some money coming in they will be able to afford it.

My target audience

The target audience for my music magazine would be mainly teens too early twentys and fans of indie music. However my magazine would also apeal to an older age range if they were to like the genre of music featured. My target audince would be one similar of NME's as NME and my magazine are of the same genre and will feature the same type of bands. The main age range would be roughly 16 - 25 as this age range tend to listen to a lot of indie music whereas the older generation dont listen to it as much. My magazine will apeal to all social classes as it will be afordable for them all. My magazine will also be mainly aimed at people who have an interset in new and upcoming indie music. By looking at the physcographics of my target audience I am able to know what style of magazine my target audience would like, ie teens/students would generaly want an indie music magazine as they have their own style and listen to indie music.

Thursday 25 November 2010

My magazine genre.

The genre of my music magazine will be indie. I am chosing this genre as it is my favourite and I know what people will want to see in the magazine. Indie is a very popualr genre so I think my magazine will apeal to a lot of people and have a large target audience. My magazine will be similar to NME as it is of the same genre and will feature similar artists. Indie music was featured in most of the magazines I reseatched, this shows how popular the genre is. A lot of new and upcoming bands are indie/indie rock, because of this my magazine will feature the newest indie band(s).

The band(s) featured in my magazine will be similar to: Arctic monkeys, Block party, Crystal castles, The drums, The kings of leon and Vampire weekend, who are all indie/indie rock bands.

Q double page spread analysis

This is a double spread from Q magazine featuring the band 'The kings of leon'. There is little writing and a big piciture. The image, on the right hand side, is a long shot of the band, this allows us to see their whole body and what they are wearing. The two headings are in a different colour to the rest of the writing and are bigger so they stand out. The articles themselves are in white on a black background, this is called a reverse out.

The institution of this double page spread is Bauer or Q magazine. The same as the front cover.

The ideology of this double page spread is to inform and tell the reader about the band featured and send out a possitive message about them so the readers continue to read and then go out and listen to the band.

The target audience of the double page spread is fans of the band featured, 'The kings of leon', teens and the older generation, all the same target audience for the front cover.

The double page spread represents the genre and style of the magazine as well as the band featured and target audience of the magazine in general. This is shown from the image of the band.

Kerrang double page spread analysis

This is a double page spread from the Kerrang magazine, however it is not the main double spread. It is a double spread reviewing the band 'Avenged sevenfold'. This is a regualar in every Kerrang magazine but they review a different band. The majority of this double page spread is pictures and there is only a little bit of writing. The pictures represent the magazines genre, rock. We know this from the main image of a man covered in tattoos and shouting aposed to singing. The other pictures placed bellow and to the side of the main image are from the same gig and also represent the rock genre. They show that the gig was a success as we can see the fans cheering, hence the article being write about it. The main image also looks as if it has been ripped off from somwhere and stuck in. A rating is given for the gig and instead of using gold stars like most reviews red 'K''s are used. Along with the rest of the fonts they are bold and blocky, this sticks to Kerrangs usual rocky feel.

The institution of the double page spread is Bauer, the same as the front cover and the whole of Kerrang magazine.

The ideology of this double page spread is to send out a message to the readers of the magazine about the gig featured. A possitive message is sent out as we can see the gig was a success from the pictures used.

The target audience of the double spread is the same as the front cover. Mainly teens and and fans of rock/metal music.

The double page spread represents the genre and target audience, metal/rock and fans of them genres. It also represents the main band featured and the genre of the band. This is shown though the nature of the images used.

NME double page spread analysis

This is a double page spread from an NME magazine interviewing the band 'the teenagers'. The double page spread is always about the main band featured in the magazine, and that is usually the band who are on the cover. One half of the double page spread is a high angle shot of the band 'the teenagers'. The image is the band lying on a bed looking up to the camera and there are posters on the wall behind them and it looks like a teenagers bedroom. The way they are laid back could also represent the nature of the band.The other half of the double page spread is the article about the band. The important bits of the double page spread are highlited in a light blue colour, this draws attention to them. Down the right hand side of the page there is a completely seperate part telling the reader about other bands featured in the magazine.

The institution of this double page spread would be the same as the front cover and the whole of NME magazine, IPC media.

The idieology of this double page spread is that thet want the band to look laid back and cool, this also gives out a positive message about the band.

The target audience would be the same as the rest of NME magazine, mainly teens and fans of indie rock music.

The double page spread represents the target audience, ironicly, teenagers or fans of indie rock music. It also represents the nature of the band by the way they are just laid back slouched on a bed, this suggests the band is laid back.

Friday 19 November 2010

Analysis of Kerrang contents page

Kerrangs contents page is used as an easy and efficient way to find your way around the magazine. It tells the reader what will be featured in the magazine as it is the first thing you see when the magazine is opened and if there is only one article you wish to read you can easily find it.

 This contents page is nearly all taken up by images with little writing. The images are of band which are featured within the magazine. The majority of the images are mid shots or mid close ups, this allows us to see the band members expressions. All the images are of rock bands which shows the magazines genre is rock music, the images on the contents page are regulars but the bands in the images will change weekly. Another regular of kerrang magazines contents page is the contents list down the left hand side. The headings in the contents list are yellow writing on a black background, the same as all the other writing on the page. The contents list allows the reader to easily see what is in the magazine as it is split in to specific categories and have the page numbers next to each article. The page numbers are quite big so they are easy to see. The contents masthead isn't really big but because of the colouring it stands out, it is bright yellow writing on a black background and as it is all on a white page it makes it stand out even more. As it is in the top right corner it will be the first thing the reader sees when the magazine is opened. Underneath the contents masthead there is a quote from a Corey Taylor. The nature of the quote shows what the magazine may be like inside. In the bottom right corner there is advertisement for the subscription of Kerrang magazine, this is on a red background and is the only red on the page, the red could suggest love and the love of the magazine.

The institution of the magazine is Kerrang or Bauer media group, who are the publishing house of Kerrang and Q magazine.  The institution are offering a subscription to the magazine so they can make a profit.

The ideology of the contents page is to navigate people around the magazine and to give out a possitive message about the magazine so the reader will continue to read.

The audience of the contents page is mainly men or teens, fans of the magazine and its genre. This is shown from the colours and how bold and simple the layout is.

All of the images on the contents page repesent the magazines genre, rock. The images represent the bands themselves as they are shown performing or in photo shoots. The contents page also represent the magazine itself, it shows the genre and style of the magazine.

analysis of Q contents page.

A contents page is used in Q to tell the reader what will be featured in the magazine. It is the first thing seen when the front cover is opened and if there is only one article you wish to read you can just look for it then go to the page number. A contents page is also useful to be able to see what will be featured in the magazine.

Like any other contents page, regulars and features are used by Q on their contents page. Regulars are things which are used on every contents page they produce and features are things which are only used once when appropriate to that certain issue. Regulars of Q's contents page include the 'features' which are listed down the right hand side. Although the 'features' will change every week, the list is something that appears every week to allow the readers to see what will be in the magazine. This is contents page uses a long low angle shot of the band the courteeners, this image takes up roughly 3/4 of the contents page. The low angle of the image makes the band look tall and dominant, this could suggest they are doing well in the music world. This is reinforced by the caption on the picture which 'he's just showing off' referring to a band member. Another regular of  Q's contents page is the 'every month' feature in the bottom left corner, this is tells the reader what is featured in the magazine every month. Both of the 'features' and every month' are on a red strip, this stays to the conventional colours of Q magazine. The contents masthead is a reverse out, big bold white writing is used on a black banner, this makes it stand out to the reader. The Q logo is also used on the contents masthead. A feature of this contents page would be the 'oasis special'. 'oasis special' is written in gold, this suggests the band are legends are somewhat royal, it also represents Q magazine and its 'quality'. This is also grabbing the attention of Q readers, and as this is in gold and it is about a band everybody know people will want to read them articles. The 'Review' section in the bottom right of the contents page is another regular. Half of the section is taken up by an image. The image is a long shot of  Nick Cave supported by the caption 'Nick Cave' and the page number where you can find his article. The other half of the section tells the reader what else is featured in the magazine. All of the numbers on the page other then the ones in the 'oasis special', which are in gold, are in red, the same as the Q logo.

The institution of the contents page is the same as the whole of Q magazine, Q itself or Bauer media group.

Q magazine want to make the contents page look friendly and give out a positive message so readers will see it and want to continue reading.

The target audience for the contents page is the same as it is for the general magazine, mainly the older generation. However it appeals to all genders, lifestyle and social classes.

The contents page represents the quality and the genre of the magazine. This is shown by the colours such as gold and the red wich is the colour of the Q logo, the Q standing for quality. The two images on the contents page represent the genre of the magazine.

NME contents page analysis

NME magazine uses a contents page. This is the first thing you see when you open the front cover. The contents page is very useful for finding a certain part of the magazine, all you have to do is look for the article and go to the page number. It is also useful to find out what information will be in the magazine.

The contents page uses regulars which occur every week when the magazine is released and features which only appear once when they are feautured with that particulor copy. The regualrs of this magazines contents page inlcude the band index, this tells the reader which bands are in the magazine and where you can find them. The masthead of the contents page is also a regular as it occurs in every magazine, it is also the same colours and font as the one on the front so it sticks to the conventions of NME and the 'THIS WEEK' is bold and white and it stands out to the reader. Down the right hand side of the contents page is another regualr, the contents. This is split up in to 'news', 'radar', 'reviews', 'live' and 'features'. These are regulars but what comes under them as subtitles are features as they change every week according to the contents of the magazine. The image used on the contents page is a regualr as there is a picture every week but it is a feature as it changes every week to fit the magazine. The image used on this contents page is a low angle shot of the astoria, one of the worlds greatest music venues. The low angle shot makes the building look dominant and important, which it was to bands and fans of music everywhere. The image relates to the magzines genre as alot of indie bands such as the libertines and oasis has played at the astoria. The kicker 'the end of astoria' is also the main story in the magazine and this is big and bold in the centre of the page, this makes it stand out to the reader. The text on the billboard on the picture of the astoria also relates to the magazine as it says 'a last goodbye'. Another regular in the magazine is a little red arrow in the bottom right hand corner which advertises another feature in the magazine. The splash of the contents page is recognizable as it is the same everyweek and the image in the centre will be the first thing the reader see's when they open the front cover. Another regualr of the magazine is the advertisement in the bottom left corner giving people the details to subscribe for the magazine, this is the mangazine selling their magazine.This will make a profit for the institution.

The institution for the contents page is IPC, as they produce the whole of NME magazine.

NME want to make the contents page persuasuve to make the reader want to continue reading the magazine and give out a postive message which will make the magazine look interstting. It also gives out a possitive messages to the readers which make the magazine look good.

The target audience for the contents page would be the people who are intersted in NME magazine, maily teens and fans of indie music. It is suitable for any gender, lifestyle or social class.

The contents page represents the magazine itself as it shows the artcicles which will be featured. Along with the articles on the contents page the image represent the fans of the magazine and the genre. The target audience, fans of indie, are represented as the bands which will be featured in the magazine are shown in the contens page.

Friday 12 November 2010

LIIAR analysis of Q magazine

The image on the front of this Q magazine is a long shot of the lead member swinging a guitar and it looks like it has smashed the Q logo. This is reinforced by the kicker which says 'Matt Bellamy is out of control', this could suggest that the band Muse are making a come through in the music industry. It also relates to stories inside of the magazine, we know this because of the sell line 'Rocks greatest nutjobs'. The image shows that Matt Bellamy is also a 'Nutjob'. The splash represents the genre of the magazine as well by the way a guitar is being thrown about, this suggests it is rocky. Rock is also shown by the plug advertising the beatles which were also rocky in their day. The headline is big bold and white and stands out against the dark background. The house style of the magazine is always the same, it has the red Q logo in the top left corner and has black and white font.

The institution of the magazine is Q, and it is published by the company Bauer. It was first published in October 1986 by Mark Ellen and David Hepworth. They thought a generation of older music was being ignored therefor made Q magazine. Bauer don't only make music magazines, they publish other magazines such as 'take a break' and 'TV choice'.

Q magazine provides the reader with the best music monthly. As the magazine is published monthly instead of weekly it is of better quality, and this is what the Q stands for.

The target audience of Q magazine is generally the older generation but this particular copy has a young rock band on the front so it will appeal to the younger generation and fans of rock music. It also appeals to all lifestyles and both genders, however is more likely the older more higher working class people will buy this magazine as it is more highly priced then other music magazines.

This cover doesn't stereotypically represent Q magazine as it has a more rocky band on the front whereas it normally has older artists featuring on the cover. However it does represent the target audience of this copy.  

LIIAR analysis of Kerrang front cover

The masthead of this Kerrang magazine looks as if it has been shatterd by the sound of loud guitar and the word 'kerrang' sounds like a loud chord is being played, this is symbolic to the genre of the magazine. A mid shot image is used to allow us to see the band quite closely and see their emotions. The lead singer in the middle looks as if he is thinking which relates to the kicker as it states the band 'unfold the puzzle of life'. This is also selling the band as one of their albums is called 'Puzzle'. The splash of the magazine is mainly black and white. The headline and the lead singers clothes are white, this makes them stand out against the black background. When white writing is on a black background like it is here, it is called a reverse out.

The institution of the magazine is Kerrang but the publishing house is Bauer. Bauer also publish magazines such as take a break and thats life. These two magazines are completely different genres to Kerrang, this is because the publishing house want to make a proffit so they make as many magazines in as many genres as possible.

Kerrang magazine want to deliver the latest rock music to you weekly and advertise what is going on in the rock world. They make the bands featuring in the magazine look aspiring as they give away free posters of the bands. They are also trying to sell Biffy Clyro as band by putting them on the front cover and featuring them inside the magazine.

The target audience for the magazine would be teens and fans of rock music so this could be any age and not just teens. The magazine appeals to both genders, lifestyles and social classes. The magazine costs £2.20 so anyone can afford to buy it and you dont have to be high working class people.

The image on the front represents the magazine and its genre, rock. The band on the cover repressent typical rockers, witht their long hair and hoods up. This is also represents the magazines target audience.

LIIAR anlysis of NME front cover.

This NME magazine uses a mid wide shot so we are able to see the whole of the band. This particular cover isn't conventional as the NME logo is normally in red but on this cover it is in pink as it is a special edition cover. It is also unconventional as it doesn't stick the usual house style of the magazine.The masthead and the main headline are both big bold and bright, this makes them really stand out to the reader. The kicker of the magazine 'the biggest enemy in music right now? kesha' suggests that the the Foals who are on the front cover are one of the best bands around now and are an enemy to other artists. This also relates to the masthead as NME sounds like 'enemy. This sells the magazine because when people see this they will see that Kesha has said they are a good band people will want to buy the magazine, this is called synergy, when one aspect of the media helps another. The splash of this particular cover is quite simple but it is effective. The selling line 'the state of music today' also makes the reader want to buy it as it gives the reader examples of todays newest music.

The institution of the magazine is NME. The publisher or the publishing house of the NME magazine is IPC. The publishing house IPC will not only produce the magazine NME, it will make as many magazines in as many different genres as possible to make a profit. 

The ideology of the NME, new musical express, is that it wants to get the newest music to you as quickly as it can. NME also sounds like the word 'enemy', this suggest that this magazine is the enemy of mainstream music. The magazine wants to make people look up to the bands on the front cover and to aspire to be like them.

The target audience of NME is mainly teens and fans of indie music. It would appeal to any genre, age or lifestyle. As it only costs £2.20 any social class could afford to buy it as it isnt too expensive.

The image on the front cover represents their target audience, teens and indie fans. This is shown by the way the band on the front cover are dressed., they are dressed young and trendy. The magazine represents the newest music to us and makes it look aspiring.

Thursday 4 November 2010

LIIAR brief of music magazines.

Language - this refers to the camera angle, the positioning of the camera, the distance from the camera, codes and conventions, the splash and the house style of the magazine.

Institution - this is the company that produces the magazine, NME, Q, Mixmag etc. The publishing house is also the institution, for example the publishing house Bauer produces the magazine Q. Publishing houses make as many magazines in as many genres as possible to make a profit.

Ideology - this is the values, messages and morals that a particular company has. NME, new musical express, there ideology is to get the newest music to you as quickly as possible. It also sounds like enemy, which suggests it is an enemy of mainstream music.

Audience - the audience is the target audience in which the magazine is aimed at. It can be any age, gender, lifestyle or social class. NME would be aimed more at the younger generation who are in to indie music whereas hammer would be aimed more at an audience who like heavy metal music.

Representation - the image on the cover of the magazine has to represent its target audience, for example if a rock band were on the front cover, the target audience would be fans of rock. The image on the front also represents the company of the magazine.

Music magazine - main task brief

Our task is to produce the front cover, contents page and a double page spread of a new music magazine. All images must be original and produced by ourselves and we must have a minimum of four images.