Friday 8 October 2010

LIIAR brief.

L - language. This refers to the media language that is used in the text. Media language is camera angles, the editing, the sound, the lighting and mis-en-scene etc. Examples of media language I will use to create my college magazine are; the masthead, this is title of the magazine. The main cover line, this is the main headline on the cover of the magazine. The image, this will be a medium close up we have taken ourselves and a cover line, this is the smaller headline for a story inside the magazine.

I - institution. The institution refers to the company that has produced the text. For example the institution of a NME magazine is, NME. The institution of my magazine would be Wyke college.

I - ideology. The ideology of a company is a system of shared ideas and beliefs. The ideology of a college magazine would be to

A - audience. This refers to the target audience. The target audience is the age group which the text is aimed at. The target audience of a college magazine would be college students, aged roughly 16 - 20 or maybe even the staff. The magazine would have to appeal to the students staff at the college.

R - representation. This refers to how something is percieved, age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity etc. For example a woman may be represented as small and weak or a group of youths may be represented as thugs. A college magazine will represent the college and its students. A college magazine should have a positive representation, this would make it appealing as it is represented as a good place.

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