Tuesday 19 October 2010

Idea development

I want my college magazine cover to show that college is a friendly place to be and a great place to come and learn. I want it to show that college life isnt daunting and scary, i will include in a mid shot image of a student to show this. I want my cover to be bold, bright and stand out to the reader and catch their eye. I want to include a interesting headline along with coverlines that will draw the reader in. When it came to chosing a name, I just wanted something simple and something which you could look at and automatically know what you are looking at.

These are a few photos I have taken and may include on my cover:

I like these photos as they show a friedly attitude at the college, the two students in the image are represented as friendly and helpful. They are mid shots that I have taken myself. I believe if a new student was to read the magazine, any of the images on the front cover would make the college look welcoming. Unfortunately i couldnt use some of the photos as they werent actually mid shots.

This is a draft for my front cover:

This is a rough idea of what i want my front cover to look like. When I come to produce my final product I will change fonts, colours and the positioning of certain things.

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