Thursday 14 October 2010

LIIAR brief of east riding college magazine

The cover of the east riding college magazine is quite plain and boring, it is dark and doesn't particularly stand out. They have used a low angle shot of the college which is in colour but the rest of the magazine is white writing on a black background, this is called a reverse out.  They haven't used a sell line or a slogan on the cover and there aren't many cover lines and there isn't even a main head line although the masthead of the magazine does stand out on the black background. There isn't much lighting in the image and the overall cover of the magazine is too dark.

The magazine was produced by the college students. They want the magazine to inform other students and maybe even staff about things going on in and around college, but they haven't put enough information on the front cover. The ideology of the magazine is to make people interested in their college and want to go there to study.

The target audience of the magazine is college students or even parents and staff to inform them about what is going on in the college as it is a college magazine but this isn't portrayed on the front cover. The age range for the magazine would mainly be 16 - 20 year olds but as it could be for parents and staff it would be older as well. The magazine is suitable for both genders and any lifestyle.

On the cover of the magazine, the college is represented quite negatively as it is dark and quite boring. There isn't much going on this could suggest there isn't much going on at the college. It doesn't show how the colleges students are represented as there isn't any images of them.

Overall the cover of the magazine isnt very good. The information is limited, and it is too dark. The students who produced the magazine should of put more thought in to the cover, come up with a good USP and headline along with something to catch the readers eye.

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