Friday 22 October 2010


College magazine evaluation

Our task was to produce a front cover for a college magazine and the draft of a contents page. The front cover had to include a masthead, a headline and a mid shot image we took ourselves.

I used different types of media language on my magazine cover. I used a mid shot close up, this allows us to see emotion and representation of the students on the front cover, and this will hopefully represent the college and its students as friendly and happy, this is shown by the two students on the cover that look like they’re helping each other or just one showing the other something in a friendly manner. The masthead of my magazine is in purple and is very similar to the colleges font used for its logo, this sticks to the theme of Wyke. For my headline I also used purple as it is Wyke’s colours. The colour purple connotes royalty, this suggests the college is somewhat royal and a nice place to be. I have given the headline a shadow and made the font sharper to make it stand out.

The institution of the magazine would be Wyke College. It has been produced by a student at the college, me, for other students at the college.

The ideology of my magazine is too tell people that life at Wyke college isn’t scary and it is a happy friendly place to come and study. It shows that college students are friendly and respectable, they are proud to be Wyke students. The cover is meant to make people want to come to the college to study.

The target audience of my magazine is mainly Wyke’s newest students but it is for all students, and possibly even parents and staff. My magazine is suitable for any gender of lifestyle and the main age range would be around 16 to 20, but possibly older as well. This is shown by the two college students on the front cover who are aged 16.

My magazine represents both the actual college and its students as happy and friendly. It is represented as a good place to come and study. Both the college and its students and positively represented. I have created these representations by using a mid shot image of two students on the front cover; the mid shot allows us to see emotions of the students.  Also the purple colour font is quite a positive colour and connotes royalty, rather than a colour like black which would have negative connotations. It is important to create these representations because the idea of the magazine is to make people want to come to the college to study and if it had negative representations that message would not be portrayed.

Overall I think the task went well. If I was to do it again I would maybe change fonts or colours and the positioning of the text. I may have also experimented with a few different images on my front cover.

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