Wednesday 8 December 2010

Initial magazine ideas.

Front cover:
I want the front cover of my music magazine to co note the somewhat messy lifestyle of teenagers and maybe the bands featured but I also want it to represent the newest music artists around. I want it to be quite plain and simple although messy enough to connote the messy lifestyle of teenagers etc. My masthead. headline, kicker, pull quotes and sell lines will be bold and stand out to the reader. I will use a low angle mid shot of the band on my front cover, this will make them look important and dominant, this will also give us a good idea of what they look like.

Contents page:
I want my contents page to be similar to the front cover but I want it so the readers will easily be able to find their way around the magazine and find what they want. I don't want loads of writing on my contents page, just enough to tell the reader what is featured in the magazine. I would also like images of bands featured on the contents page.

Double page spread:
Like both my contents page and front cover I want my double page spread to represent the newest music artists around and connote a messy lifestyle. I want to have one big image on one page of the band featured and a small article about them on the other page. I want to use a reverse out and half white writing on black background, this will make the writing stand out to the reader. I am going to use a low angle long shot of the band to make them look important and dominant in the music world. As i am using a new band in my magazine it will make them look like they are something to be scared of. I want my double page spread to make the band look like they are something for people to look up to but also make people want to go and see them or buy there Cd's.

Colour scheme:
My magazine isnt going to be really bright and be full of neon colours but it isnt going to be all really dark colours however it will have browns, greys, reds, blues, whites and blacks.

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