Friday 15 April 2011


Music magazine evaluation

Our task was to produce a front cover, a contents page and a double page spread for our own music magazine.  Before we made our magazine we had to research several other music magazines to find out what makes a good or bad music magazine. We were only allowed to use pictures that we had taken ourselves but we could then edit them using adobe photoshop.

My front cover is a conventional magazine as it features all the aspects of most music magazines. The masthead of my magazine is quite a bright green, this connotes masculinity and implies wealth but its also a relaxing colour and is easy on the eye, it is also bold, this will make it stand out to the reader and grab their attention. It is also placed in the top right corner, so if my magazine was stacked on a shelf the masthead would be seen straight away. This is similar to ‘NME’ magazine who always have their masthead in the top right corner. The font of the masthead is also quite a trendy font which would definitely appeal to my target audience. The name ‘New Era’  represents the new era of music which is featured in my magazine. On the cover I have used a mid shot of the lead singer from the new indie band ‘The Beatknicks’. I dressed the model in trendy indie styled clothing which appeals to not only my target audience but the genre of the magazine and all the other bands featured. The model on my cover has quite a stern look on his face and his looking away from the camera, this makes him look quite cool but it also makes him look slightly arrogant suggesting that he knows his band are good. He is stood in front of a modern abstract painting which appeals to the audience as it is cool it is also apart of the mis-en-scene of my front cover. The headline on the front of my magazine is ‘The Beatknicks’ this is the name of the main band featured. The font, like the masthead, is quite a bright green and it has a bold black outline. This really makes it stand out to the reader and draws them in making them want to read about ‘The Beatknicks’. The kicker on my front cover ‘Bassist Karim Skalli simply kept the crowd pleased’ suggests that they are a good band and play well at gigs. This will make the reader want to read about them and even listen to them. This is synergy as my magazine is getting people to listen to the bands music. The subheadings on my cover are in white with a bold black outline creating continuity as the masthead and headline are the same as this. It makes them really stand out to the reader. Both of the subheadings appeal to my target audience as they are about the months hottest gigs, and a new indie band. Teenagers enjoy going to gigs and will want to know about new bands as they are fans of the genre. I have used a little banner across the bottom of my cover which lists a few of the artists which are also featured inside the magazine. All the artists listed are of the same genre and will appeal to my target audience.

A contents page is a very useful thing to have in your magazine. It helps the reader navigate around your magazine and if there is a certain thing they want to read all they have to do Is look for the page number and they can go straight to that article. In my contents page I have used regulars and features. The regulars appear in the magazine every week when it is released whereas the features are special to that particular edition. Regulars of my contents page include; news and reviews but what comes under these headings are features as the content of the magazine will change every week. The features of this editions contents page are; articles on different bands. The masthead of my contents page does stick to the same theme as the front cover so this is conventional. It is the similar colour, bright green, so this makes it stand out to the reader. The subheading on my contents page are also in the colour green, this makes them stand out a lot more then the other text on the page. I have used three images on my contents page, both of the images relate to articles featured inside the magazine. One image is a full band picture of The Beatknicks, who are also featured on the front cover, another image is of ‘Michael Uney’ which relates to one of the magazines features and the last image is of the ‘Arctic Monekys’ who are again featured in the magazine. All of the images represent my target audience as they are young trendy bands/artists. For the image of ‘Michael Uney’ I have used a medium shot so we can just see the top half his body and his head, this allows us to see his facial expressions slightly better. For the image of ‘The Beatknicks’ I have used a wide shot of them on stage so we can see all of them while they are performing, and the image of the ‘Arctic Monkeys’ is a medium shot so we can see them all from the waist up. I have put numbers on the images so if the reader wants to go straight to the article about that band they can see the page number and don’t have to look through the whole contents list until they find the page they want.

My double page spread is about ‘The Beatknicks’ who are the main band featured in my magazine, they are also featured on the front cover. Half of my double page spread is a long shot of the band, this allows the reader to see all the band and the other half is an article about the band. The front of the article is white and it is against a black background, this is called a reverse out, it will also make the article stand out. In the image I have used of the band most of the members are standing in silly poses and it looks they’re just been daft, this could represent the nature of the band, as they are laid back and cool about everything and they just take everything in their stride. They are also stood against a brick wall in the street, this conotes they are like the cool kids hanging about on the streets, it could also suggest they are the ‘new kids on the block’. The main headline of the double page spread is in big bold white writing which really stands out against the brick background. I have used a pull quote from the article underneath the headline and the word ‘best’ in the pull quote is black whereas the rest of the pull quote is in white, this makes the individual word stand out.

My media product represents the social group of teenagers are they are the target audience for my magazine. I have used a young trendy lead singer on the cover and trendy indie bands inside of my magazine which represent the social group of teenagers are a lot of teenagers are in to that kind of thing. When I asked a group of 20 teenagers at my college 80% of them said they would buy it. I think the price for my magazine, £2.50, is a suitable price for the target audience of teenagers as it isn’t too expensive and they would be able to afford it. My target audience could fall under any category of social economic status as it would be affordable to them all and may appeal to them all. 

The type of media institution that might distribute my media product would be a smaller institution, like IPC who publish NME, as my magazine isn’t a big mainstream one. My magazine is all about smaller indie bands on the upraise. My magazine would probably be sold at gigs or in record shops, or even as an insert in another magazines like NME which is of the same genre.

The target audience for my music magazine would be mainly teens too early twenty’s, about 16 – 25, and fans of indie music. However my magazine would also appeal to an older age range if they were to like the genre of music featured. My target audience would be one similar of NME's as NME and my magazine are of the same genre and will feature the same type of bands. The main age range would be roughly 16 - 25 as this age range tend to listen to a lot of indie music whereas the older generation don’t listen to it as much. My magazine will appeal to all social classes as it will be affordable for them all. My magazine will also be mainly aimed at people who have an interest in new and upcoming indie music. By looking at the physcographics of my target audience I am able to know what style of magazine my target audience would like, ie teens/students would generally want an indie music magazine as they have their own style and listen to indie music

On my music magazine I have used a lead singer from a young trendy indie band on the front cover, this will attract my main target audience of teenagers and fans of indie as they will either like this band already or what to know about them. I have also used bright colours and bold letters which stand out to my audience and draw them in. I have also used tag lines like ‘this months hottest gigs’ which will appeal to my audience and make them want to read it. I asked 20 students at my college aged 16 - 18 if they thought my magazine stood out and 16 of them said yes, the other 4 said no. this tells me that I may need to make a few alterations in order to make it stand out to all of the students I asked.

From making this music magazine I have learnt how to manipulate images using photoshop. Photoshop really helped when it come to making my magazine. I was able to take my photos using a DSLR camera and then import them on the computer and edit them on photoshop. Especially on my front cover I added a lot of text on top of the picture using photoshop. Once you have typed your text you are able to move it about, change the size of it, change the colour of it and even add outlines anc various effects such as drop shadows. I have also learnt how to use blogger while making my music magazine as I had to post everything on there. On blogger you can post images, text and even videos.  While making my magazine I had to post research on other magazines, drawn drafts, ICT drafts, colour schemes, fonts, name ideas and everything else in order to make my magazine. While using blogger when uploading photos a few problems occurred; it was really awkward to size photos and put them in the right place, and sometimes it wouldn’t let you upload more then one photo at a time.

From doing our preliminary task, the college magazine, I learnt all the conventions of magazines and all the terminology (masthead, headline, splash etc). This really helped me when it came to making my music magazine. Although I think when I was making my college magazine I was more limited then when I was making my music magazine as music magazines have a much wider audience and as I am a fan of music I will know what people want to see. However the college magazine was great practise for me as I knew what I was doing and knew how to layout magazines properly and what type of images would work best on front covers.

In order to get audience feedback for my magazine I asked 20 students in my college, ages 16 – 18, a series of questions. The majority of the feedback I received was positive and at least 80% of the 20 students liked my magazine and said they would buy it. However I did receive some negative feedback, especially on my contents page. One student said ‘it doesn’t look professional’. But I will use the negative feedback to help me improve my magazine. From receiving audience feedback I have completely changed my contents page as it is the one piece of my magazine that everybody said wasn’t as good as the rest. I also used the feedback to slightly alter other aspects of my magazine.

Word count; 2,144

Final magazine


After recieving feeback on my music magazine from my teachers and fellow students I have made a few alterations.
I didnt change my front cover as I was told it was good how it was and everyone liked it, however I completely changed my contents page...
This is my new contents page.

I completely changed my contents page as it was by far the weakest aspect of my music magazine. I changed it so the fonts and colours were the same as the front cover making it conventional.

Here is my new double page spread

I only made a few alterations to my double page spread just to make it that little bit better. I made the font smaller so it is more conventional and I spreaded the masthead across both pages.

Friday 18 March 2011

Music magazine evaluation

Our task was to produce a front cover, a contents page and a double page spread for our own music magazine.  Before we made our magazine we had to research several other music magazines to find out what makes a good or bad music magazine. We were only allowed to use pictures that we had taken ourselves but we could then edit them using adobe photoshop.

My front cover is a conventional magazine as it features all the aspects of most music magazines. The masthead of my magazine is quite a bright green and it is bold, this will make it stand out to the reader and grab their attention. It is also placed in the top right corner, so if my magazine was stacked on a shelf the masthead would be seen straight away. This is similar to ‘NME’ magazine who always have their masthead in the top right corner. The font of the masthead is also quite a trendy font which would definitely appeal to my target audience. The name ‘New Era’  represents the new era of music which is featured in my magazine. On the cover I have used a mid shot of the lead singer from the new indie band ‘The Beatknicks’. I dressed the model in trendy indie styled clothing which appeals to not only my target audience but the genre of the magazine and all the other bands featured. The model on my cover has quite a stern look on his face and his looking away from the camera, this makes him look quite cool but it also makes him look slightly arrogant suggesting that he knows his band are good. He is stood in front of a modern abstract painting which appeals to the audience as it is abstract and cool. The headline on the front of my magazine is ‘The Beatknicks’ this is the name of the main band featured. The font, like the masthead, is quite a bright green and it has a bold black outline. This really makes it stand out to the reader and draws them in making them want to read about ‘The Beatknicks’. The kicker on my front cover ‘Bassist Karim Skalli simply kept the crowd pleased’ suggests that they are a good band and play well at gigs. This will make the reader want to read about them and even listen to them. This is synergy as my magazine is getting people to listen to the bands music. The subheadings on my cover are in white with a bold black outline which, like the masthead and headline, make them really stand out to the reader. Both of the subheadings appeal to my target audience as they are about the months hottest gigs, and a new indie band. Teenagers enjoy going to gigs and will want to know about new bands as they are fans of the genre. I have used a little banner across the bottom of my cover which lists a few of the artists which are also featured inside the magazine. All the artists listed are of the same genre and will appeal to my target audience.

A contents page is a very useful thing to have in your magazine. It helps the reader navigate around your magazine and if there is a certain thing they want to read all they have to do Is look for the page number and they can go straight to that article. In my contents page I have used regulars and features. The regulars appear in the magazine every week when it is released whereas the features are special to that particular edition. Regulars of my contents page include; news, live reviews and album reviews, but what comes under these headings are features as the content of the magazine will change every week. The features of this editions contents page are; ‘New Era music awards’ and ‘Michael Uney solo career’. The masthead of my contents page doesn’t stick to the same theme as the front cover so this is unconventional. However, it is big and bold, it is in black writing with a white outline which really makes it stand out. The subheading on my contents page are in plain white writing against a dark background, this makes them stand out a lot more. I have used two images on my contents page, both of the images relate to articles featured inside the magazine. One image is a full band picture of The Beatknicks, who are also featured on the front cover, and the other image is of ‘Michael Uney’ which relates to one of the magazines features. Both of the images represent my target audience as they are young trendy bands/artists. For the image of ‘Michael Uney’ I have used a medium shot so we can just see the top half his body and his head, this allows us to see his facial expressions slightly better. For the image of ‘The Beatknicks’ I have used a long shot so the audience can see all of the band.

My double page spread is about ‘The Beatknicks’ who are the main band featured in my magazine, they are also featured on the front cover. Half of my double page spread is a long shot of the band, this allows the reader to see all the band and the other half is an article about the band. The front of the article is white and it is against a black background, this is called a reverse out, it will also make the article stand out. In the image I have used of the band most of the members are standing in silly poses and it looks they’re just been daft, this could represent the nature of the band, as they are laid back and cool about everything and they just take everything in their stride. They are also stood against a brick wall in the street, this shows they are like the cool kids hanging about on the streets, it could also suggest they are the ‘new kids on the block’. The main headline of the double page spread is in big bold white writing which really stands out against the brick background. I have used a pull quote from the article underneath the headline and the word ‘best’ in the pull quote is black whereas the rest of the pull quote is in white, this makes the individual word stand out.

My media product represents the social group of teenagers are they are the target audience for my magazine. I have used a young trendy lead singer on the cover and trendy indie bands inside of my magazine which represent the social group of teenagers are a lot of teenagers are in to that kind of thing. When I asked a group of 20 teenagers at my college 80% of them said they would buy it.

The type of media institution that might distribute my media product would be a smaller institution as my magazine isn’t a big mainstream one. My magazine is all about smaller indie bands on the upraise. My magazine would probably be sold at gigs or in record shops, or even as an insert in another magazines like NME which is of the same genre.

The target audience for my music magazine would be mainly teens too early twenty’s and fans of indie music. However my magazine would also appeal to an older age range if they were to like the genre of music featured. My target audience would be one similar of NME's as NME and my magazine are of the same genre and will feature the same type of bands. The main age range would be roughly 16 - 25 as this age range tend to listen to a lot of indie music whereas the older generation don’t listen to it as much. My magazine will appeal to all social classes as it will be affordable for them all. My magazine will also be mainly aimed at people who have an interest in new and upcoming indie music. By looking at the physcographics of my target audience I am able to know what style of magazine my target audience would like, ie teens/students would generally want an indie music magazine as they have their own style and listen to indie music

On my music magazine I have used a lead singer from a young trendy indie band on the front cover, this will attract my main target audience of teenagers and fans of indie as they will either like this band already or what to know about them. I have also used bright colours and bold letters which stand out to my audience and draw them in. I have also used tag lines like ‘this months hottest gigs’ which will appeal to my audience and make them want to read it. I asked 20 students at my college aged 16 - 18 if they thought my magazine stood out and 16 of them said yes, the other 4 said no.

From making this music magazine I have learnt how to manipulate images using photoshop. Photoshop really helped when it come to making my magazine. I was able to take my photos using a DSLR camera and then import them on the computer and edit them on photoshop. Especially on my front cover I added a lot of text on top of the picture using photoshop. Once you have typed your text you are able to move it about, change the size of it, change the colour of it and even add outlines anc various effects such as drop shadows. I have also learnt how to use blogger while making my music magazine as I had to post everything on there. On blogger you can post images, text and even videos.  While making my magazine I had to post research on other magazines, drawn drafts, ICT drafts, colour schemes, fonts, name ideas and everything else in order to make my magazine.

From doing our preliminary task, the college magazine, I learnt all the conventions of magazines and all the terminology (masthead, headline, splash etc). This really helped me when it came to making my music magazine. Although I think when I was making my college magazine I was more limited then when I was making my music magazine as music magazines have a much wider audience and as I am a fan of music I will know what people want to see. However the college magazine was great practise for me as I knew what I was doing and knew how to layout magazines properly and what type of images would work best on front covers.

In order to get audience feedback for my magazine I asked 20 students in my college, ages 16 – 18, a series of questions. The majority of the feedback I received was positive and at least 80% of the 20 students liked my magazine and said they would buy it. However I did receive some negative feedback, especially on my contents page. One student said ‘it doesn’t look professional’. But I will use the negative feedback to help me improve my magazine.

Monday 7 March 2011

Final double page spread

This is my final double page spread. I have decided to only use one image and make it bigger, this makes the band stand out more and I have changed the position of the headline and pull quote.

This is the first draft for my double page spread. I like the positioning of the text and the pictures but the overall thing looks to plain and boring.

This is the second draft for my contents page. This one is much better then the first draft. It isnt as boring or as plain and the white wrtiting of the article and the pull quote stand out against the dark background.

Final contents page

This is the final draft for my contents page. I have changed the colour of the headings to make them tand out more but everything else is the same as the last draft. I like this one as the contents masthead and headings stand out to the reader and  I like the way the text and images are positioned.

Contents page drafts

This is the first draft for the contents page of my music magazine. I think this contents page lacks colour and looks to blank and plain. However  I do like the images used and the positioning of text.

This is the second draft for my conents page. I have changed the colour of the background and moved the posititong of some of the text and one of the images. I think it is better then the first draft as it doesnt look as boring as plain.

Friday 17 December 2010

Final front cover.

This is the final draft for the front cover of my music magazine. On the last draft you couldn't really see the writing so I made the font white and added a black outline, this really makes it stand out and grabs the readers attention. The masthead and headline also have an outline. I added another sell line so the cover didn't look empty and  I like the way everything is positioned. I am really happy of this to be my final front cover.

Photoshop drafts for front cover

This is the first draft I did for my front cover. I really like the positioning of everything but the only problem is the colour of some of the text as you cant see it clearly against the background.

This is the second draft I did. I changed the colour of some of the writing, added a sell line and added a banner at the bottom so you could see the writing with more ease. However you still couldn't see some of the writing and I think it didn't look right because a lot of the writing was the same colour. I think it also needed atleast one more sell line.

Thursday 16 December 2010

Pictures for double page spread.

These are some of the images I took to feature on my double page spread.

I don't particularly like these two pictures because of the background and also because of the way they are stood. I asked them to stand against a brick wall so that was the only thing in the background and took some more pictures.

These two images are practically the same, just the way some of the band members are stood is slightly different. I like the brick wall they are stood against and I like the lighting of the picture. I am going to use one of these two on my double page spread.

Pictures for contents page.

These are some of the images I want to use on my contents page to represent the artists featured in my magazine. 

I like this image but I think the camera is just a little too close however I do like the pose and the background.

I like this image as it show the artist playing his instrument but I dont think it looks like it was for a magazine.

I like this image as the camera isnt too close and the pose and background are same as the other. I have to chosen to use this on on my contents page.

I also chose to use this picture on my contents page to represent the main band featured.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Pictures for front cover.

Here are some of the images I took to use on my front cover.

Initially I wanted to use a picture of the whole band on my front cover but after taking these two I decided not too as I dont really think they would work and they also arent very good pictures. I then chose to use just one band memeber on my front cover.

This is thee first picture I took of band member Karim. I really like the pose of Karim however I didnt like the background so I put a poster behind him.

This is the first image I took with a new background, I really like the background however I dont really like his pose or facial expression.

For this image I asked karim to pose similar to the other photo. I really like this one, I like his pose and how he is postioned on the backround.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Chosen name.

The name I have chosen for my music magazine is 'New Era'. I have chosen this because I like the way it represents what the magazine is about, new and upcoming music. I also think it represents the target audience for my magazine, teens to early twentys, as it sounds quite trendy.

Here are a few font ideas for my name;

My two favourite of the above are the top one and the bottom one. I like the top one because it is quite messy and shows the messy lifestyle of teenagers and musicians, it could also represent the type of bands wich will appear in my magazine. I like the bottom one because it looks new and trendy and also represents the music and artists featured.

The font I have chose to use is the bottom one, Roadway.

Digital double page sread drafts

This is the first draft for my double page spread for my music magazine.

This is the second draft for my double page spread.

This is the third draft for my double page spread.

Digitial contents page drafts

This is the first draft for a contents page for my music magazine.

This is the second draft for my contents page.

This is the thrid draft for my contents page.

Digital front cover drafts

This is one draft one a front cover for my music magazine.

This is a second draft for my music magazine.

This is the third draft for my front cover.

Hand drawn drafts for double page spreads

This is the first hand drawn draft for a double page spread for my music magazine.

 This is the second draft for my double page spread.

This is the third draft for my double page spread.

Hand drawn drafts for contents page

This is the first hand drawn draft for my contents page.

This is the second hand drawn draft for my contents page.

This is the third hand drawn draft for my contents page.

Hand drawn drafts for front cover

This is the first hand drawn draft for my front cover.

This is the second hand drawn draft for my front cover.

This is the third hand drawn draft for my front cover.

Name ideas

Here is a bainstorm of some names I may call my magazine. I want the name of my magazine to portray new and upcoming music.

These are some fonts I like and would use on the front cover of my magazine. I like the name 'New Era' and the font of it. 'New Era' shows that the magazine is about the newest music out and the font of it connottes the messy lifestyle of teenagers and possibly the bands featured.